Introducing the Interreg Europe DETOCS Project

The recently approved Interreg Europe DETOCS – DEcarbonising the TOurism Industry Post Covid-19 Support – project aims to support the recovery of EU tourism infrastructure sector following the Covid-19 pandemic, admidst the energy crisis, in a sustainable and low carbon way. In doing so, DETOCS complies with EU long-term policies for the decarbonisation of the economy. During the project implementation, good practices for sustainable tourism will be identified and exchanged amongst partner regions in Slovenia, Greece, Malta, Finland, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary and the Netherlands; meanwhile, project partners will aim to improve related policy in their regions through capacity building in the participating regions and the adoption of policies proven to be successful in other regions.

The DETOCS project aims are, in each of the partner regions, to:

  1. Facilitate the decarbonisation of the tourism infrastructure;
  2. Increase the energy efficiency of tourism infrastructure;
  3. Increase the energy self-sufficiency of tourism sector;
  4. Promote new and novel types of tourism, which have low energy consumption and carbon footprint (i.e., “virtual tourism”);
  5. Assist regions to cope with the current energy crisis that increases the share of energy cost in their total operational cost threatening their profitability and economic viability.

DETOCS contributes to EU Cohesion Policy, and specifically to the “Policy Objective 2 (PO2): A greener, low-carbon Europe”, as it promotes clean and sustainable energy transition of tourism infrastructure. In order to promote the achievement of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, the targeted polices will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through new investments in energy efficiency, energy-saving schemes and sustainable renewable energy as set in Directive (EU) 2018/2001.

The four-year DETOCS project has a total budget of € 1,980,883.00, with € 1,567,416.40 provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Local energy agency Spodnje Podravje is the Lead partner of DETOCS project.

For more information please visit the website:


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