Enhancing the effectiveness of the power grid and the integration of prosumers in the Danube region by incorporating smart edge technologies, Acronym: DRiSET
ERDF financial contribution: € 42,453.64
The SMF, DTP is financing development of a major project, aiming at accelerating the implementation of smart edge technologies and next generation of smart energy services for power automation in the Danube Region (DR). Specific emphasis will be put on the consumers role in the changing markets.
The Project Partners are developing three outputs: Report on the state of play in the addressed field, Main project work plan and Report on funding possibilities.
The major project will contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of the grid, maximizing the value of distributed energy resources, strengthening the competitiveness in the energy sector through establishment of prosumers and acceleration of novel sustainable solutions in power system automation, as well as mitigating energy poverty.
Predstavitev javnega razpisa NOO – SE OVE 2024
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Strokovni posvet: Energetski pregledi 023