(Financing Enviromental and Energy Efficiency development in Schools)

The target of the EU of reducing by 20% its total emissions within 2020 has activated actions both in private and public sector. At this end, the Energy Efficiency and the Energy Performance of Building Directive set a number of binding measures. In Central Europe large part of the existing building stock was built before 1970 thus its performance is not in line with the required standards. Renovation of buildings emerges as an urgent issue, but while incentives are provided to private investors, public buildings renovation is difficult as Local Authorities (LA) face severe limitations of budget. Other barrier is the lack of knowledge of performance/cost characteristics of advanced component and systems for efficient renovation of buildings. FEEDSCHOOLS aims at providing new solutions to LA both in technical and financial terms to implement Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) renovation activities in Central European schools. The innovative approach consists in developing a transnational and holistic support toolkit with 2 user friendly Apps (1 for energy efficiency and environmental evaluation and 1 for financing models) and a web database of innovative best practices for nZEB renovation; open lessons focused to behavioral change in schools, face to face and on-line trainings for LA/school staff. It will enhance capacities of the LA to improve their SEAPs, finance interventions, increasing the employment.

3 Pilots will be performed in six regions each consisting in at least 48 energy audits reviewed by an international technical team. Preliminary plans for NZEB renovation of existing schools will be drafted and will be reference models for the region, increasing the replicability of the project activities. The transnational and multidisciplinary expertise of the partnership will be a fundamental asset to consolidate the knowledge of local energy managers, LA/school technicians and put it into action.


FEEDSCHOOLS strategic objective is to facilitate the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive creating conditions so that more municipalities, financing institutions and consultants develop projects of deep renovations of schools in the upcoming years. At this end pilot activities will be conducted in the associated regions. Such pilots will include: energy audits of representative school buildings, drawing up preliminary renovation plans, calculation of carbon footprint of the renovation activities, development of energy service models and financing schemes, training of the energy managers of the region, the Municipal staff and students, development of policy recommendation to overcome the identified barriers and integration of project outputs in the city plans.

Project duration: 2017 – 2020

Project budget: 2 mio EUR, ERDF: 1,74 mio EUR



Predstavitev javnega razpisa NOO – SE OVE 2024

Predstavitev javnega razpisa NOO – SE OVE 2024

Prosto delovno mesto

Prosto delovno mesto

Strokovni posvet: Energetski pregledi 023

Strokovni posvet: Energetski pregledi 023