

Regional policies towards GREEN buildings (Interreg IVC – 2012-2014).

The purpose of the project RE-GREEN is by promoting innovative energy solutions rehabilitation and the achievement of: the standard green buildings, to support the region in the reconstruction of public buildings and private architectural building fund such as apartment buildings and individual residential houses (including the integration of GPP). It is important to integrate public administration, as a key actor in the process of transition to a green economy, the public sector needs to lead by example in implementing energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources in buildings in public ownership. As one of the members of the project, we have developed a regional implementation plan and on its basis, we are astonished to achieving the goals of sustainable and balanced development of the region.



Predstavitev javnega razpisa NOO – SE OVE 2024

Predstavitev javnega razpisa NOO – SE OVE 2024

Prosto delovno mesto

Prosto delovno mesto

Strokovni posvet: Energetski pregledi 023

Strokovni posvet: Energetski pregledi 023