STRIDE – Improved energy planning through the Integration of Smart Grid concepts in the Danube Region

The STRIDE project aims to provide through knowledge transfer and development of planning tools, a comprehensive support for regional/local policy makers for the improvement of energy planning. Within the project carried out regional analyses, developed strategies, action plans and other tools (methodologies, guidebook, platform) will enable and accelerate the integration of smart grid concepts into regional and local policies. Project STRIDE will be carried out in three steps:

  1. Analysing of current situation in Danube region (legislation, smart grid potentials, scenario developments) and good practices in the region;
  2. Preparation of smart grid strategies and action plans;
  3. Development of platform and capacity building of triple-helix.
Duration of the project: 1.7.2020 31.12.2022Project budget: 1.031.696,77

ERDF: 834.497,49

IPA: 68.176,80

Project partners:Lead partner: Local energy agency Spodnje Podravje (SI)

PP2: European Institute for Innovation – Technology (DE)

PP3: ConPlusUltra Ltd. (AT)

PP4: Ekoport z.s. (CZ)

PP5: Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (HU)

PP6: University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (HR)

PP7: Bulgarian Energy and Mining Forum (BG)



Predstavitev javnega razpisa NOO – SE OVE 2024

Predstavitev javnega razpisa NOO – SE OVE 2024

Prosto delovno mesto

Prosto delovno mesto

Strokovni posvet: Energetski pregledi 023

Strokovni posvet: Energetski pregledi 023